The Bridge at Dozan, Bolan Pass, near Quetta, Pakistan

The Bridge at Dozan, Bolan Pass, near Quetta, Pakistan
The bridge carried both road and rail over a creek bed. The bed had to be dug out by hand over many days, with much help freely given by locals. Click on the photo and scroll down, to bring up the story of this bridge. Go to: to find more.

Thursday, November 10, 2011


The Scottish winter is closing in. A hellish time to be outside working with metal.
Trust me, I've been there, under cover, with five layers of clothing and still shivering!
The only thing that made a difference  was a heater like this: essentially a jet engine on wheels, burning diesel fuel. I found if you stood too close to warm your front or your back, your overalls would start to smoke. They really work, but there is a bit of a burning oil smell ......
None of which has much to do with this blog, just that I remember the device fondly from being in Scotland in the 2005 winter working on another Sydney Albion, no. 1877.

Undercover spaces for a double decker are impossible to come by or just horrendously expensive (try £50 per week!)
A break in the feverish pace of restoration has been called, and work will resume in February.
For now the new roof is weatherproof, the bus is fully mobile, the interior is clear and freshly painted and awaiting installation of galley (units already built but removed to allow freer access to mechanicals).
New steel-framed double bunks are being made for upstairs: 6 units to sleep 12.

Also nothing to do with this blog, this old photo sent to me by an old friend, also an Albion nut:

Taken in the 1960s, over the paling fence at the back of Brookvale Bus Depot on the Northern Beaches, it shows a row of pre-WWII Albions put out to pasture, awaiting the odd school run or emergency peak-hour job. Nearest the camera is no. 1611. This photo and its accompanying article appears in a recent issue (no. 48) of Australian Bus and Commercial Vehicle Heritage published by the Sydney bus museum.
 When no. 1613 was brand new in 1939, it looked like this, before the ravages of 20 years' hard work.

More news as it comes to hand.

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